Structure TOEFL.

1.    Because they had spent too many time considering the now contract, the students lost the opportunity to lease the apartement.
(Karena dalam kalimat tersebut waktu tidak bisa dihitung jadi lebih baik pakai much)

Because they had spent too much time considering the now contract, the students lost the opportunity to lease the apartement.
2.  These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return later.

(Penggunaan “we” dalam kalaimat itu sebagai objek jadi lebih tepat menggunakan “us”)

These televisions are all too expensive for us to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return later.
3.   After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.

(karena peremuan lebih tepat pakai “her”)

After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.
4.    The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit the proposal.

(tidak usah pakai “do” karena sebagai objek dalam kalimat)

The next important question we have to decide is when we have to submit the proposal.
5.     Giggs has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.

(karena “neither” dan “either” artinya juga, lebih baik pakai “either” karena ada “no” sebelumnya)

George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t either.
6.     Andro decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mind.

(Salah penempatan keterangan waktu, lebih baik sesudah objek)

John decided to buy a new car in the morning, but in the afternoon he changed his mind.
7.    Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much more sunlight than the others ones.

(“others” sudah plural, tidak usah pakai “s” untuk kata berikutnya)

Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much more sunlight than the other ones.
8.  After Gorge had returned to his house, he was reading a book.

(karena pakai kata kerja beraturan lebih tepat pakai “has”)

After Gorge has returned to his house, he was reading a books

memberikan tanggapan pada bagian film yang disuka yaitu film ” who am I “

1.the good side of heackers


In this scene a lot good lessons that we can take, that is :

That a heacker is not always a bad person as people think. Because in real life, they still care about the needy as seen in the scene , MAX feeds the starving begger.

  1. Revealed


Benjamin with his intelligence able to unravel the original identity of a very powerful heacker MRX and is a killer of a friend who is one of the famous heacker group. Then MRX is captured by the Germany intelligence agency.


3.magic tricks


A Germany intelligence agent who had been deceided for a second time by Benjamin, she did not realize that Benjamin did not work alone ,but was helped by 3 of his friends. After Benjamin left she realized tahat Benjamin had tricked him with an amazing magic trick.